The Chesapeake Bay Area Rhodesian Ridgeback Club (CBARRC) is comprised of Ridgeback owners and enthusiasts in the DC metropolitan area and surrounding states.
We are dedicated to providing resources, mentorship, and education to current and prospective ridgeback owners. Our members participate in a variety of dog events, including conformation, agility, lure coursing, and obedience. Our goal is to promote the versatility of the breed, camaraderie, and good sportsmanship. We endorse responsible breeding and support rescue efforts.
Welcome Ridgebacks and Their Owners!
Upcoming Events and Information
November 2, 2024 - CBARRC Regional Rhodesian Ridgeback Specialty​​
13191 Dawn Blvd
Doswell, VA, 23047 United States
It is less than 4 months to go! We have a list of trophies being offered and want to make sure you don't miss the opportunity to be a sponsor. Please take a look at the link and see if there is something you would like to sponsor.
Join us on Sunday, October 6 at Patuxent River Park in Upper Marlboro, MD. Activities will include demonstrations and practice of agility, rally, scent work, and lure coursing. Plus Canine Good Citizen and Trick Dog testing, costume contest, parade of rescues, and a potluck lunch!
Congratulations to all of the winners from the CBARRC trial in June!​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Saturday, June 1, 2024, Best in Field - Marea, Owner Luciane Terra, Breeder Dominic Palleschi Carota
Ridgebacks are a multi talented bunch - lure coursing, agility, nosework, conformation, trick dog, fit dog, and some are quite talented at good ol’ farm work...herding. Check out some of the things you can do with your Ridgeback.
​Sunday, June 2, 2024, Best in Field - Cassidy, Breeder/Owner Mary Ellen Shriver
Benridge Challenge Trophy - Artemis, Owners Chris Karrafa and Andrea Frederick, Breeder - Susan Morrill